
Tomato plant stem problems
Tomato plant stem problems

tomato plant stem problems

These critters have soft pear-shaped bodies and are typically white, black, brown, or even pink. Never water tomatoes over the foliage! There are now many varieties of tomato that are highly resistant against leaf blight and brown rot, for example, ‘Phantasia’, ‘Golden Currant’, ‘Philovita’ and ‘De Berao’. Aphids The most common tomato pest, but also one of the most destructive, is the aphid. If the tomatoes are growing in a mixed vegetable bed, it is essential to maintain plenty of distance from early potatoes when planting. Ensure that the plants are protected from the rain and the leaves cannot dry out quickly in the event of drought. A covered place on a sunny balcony or patio is also suitable. Seeing broken stems or branches on your tomato plant can be devastating.

tomato plant stem problems

Calcium is taken up into the plant through the roots, however, it settles in. You can prevent the rot by ensuring there is plenty of distance between the plants in a greenhouse or film tent. Blossom-end rot is caused by insufficient calcium in the tissue of the tomato.

tomato plant stem problems

The infested tomato fruit develops deep, hard spots and is not longer suitable for consumption. This results in gray-green to brown-black spots that spread wider and wider and cover the leaves, stems, and fruit. The rot spreads particularly quickly across the entire plant in damp weather. The cause is a fungus called Phyrophthora infestans, which is often transferred from infested potato plants to outdoor tomatoes. Leaf blight and brown rot is by far the most common tomato disease.

Tomato plant stem problems